One Week Certified Course of Ayurveda for Beginners Programme

Spiritual school of yoga offers a very educational course which is proposed for everyone who wants to learn the Basic Laws of Ayurveda in order to have better knowledge. No specific level of experience is needed. Everyone is invited to join this course. Individuals who are willing to take some extra effort in their own education and be willing to change some "old patterns" will benefit most from this course.

This is the course with a well-balanced proportion of theory and practical, which is useful for both beginners and those with good understanding of Ayurvedic methods.
This course is a comprehensive compilation of the most fundamental and basic topics of Ayurveda. The Basic Principles of Ayurveda including hygiene and positive Health. History of Ayurveda Indian Philosophy, Anatomy in Ayurveda Concept of Tridosha, Prakruti / Constitution, Digestion and Metabolism Ayurvedic Herbology.

A certificate will be issued after successful completion of the course.

Project Work Every student has to submit the project work on the subject allotted by guide. The subject of project work shall be practical oriented, and helpful in the development of competence in the respective field. The subject of the project work shall have relation with the subject matter of the Ayurveda.